You know how old, negative events sometimes pop up in your head. And every time you’ve told yourself it’s time to address them… you think of having to tell the difficult stories over again.
That is so daunting.
The main problem is that when we talk about difficult events from the past, we can trigger old feelings, beliefs, and traumas. This can make our recollection of the traumatic events even worse in the future, instead of leading us to healing and feeling better.
I’ve been there, and I was so glad to find that there is another way.
What is content-free therapy?
Imagine therapy that never requires you to tell old stories… sessions that help you heal without needing to go through all of the painful details. The good news is that there are types of therapy which are content-free – that is, instead of talking about the content of old events, these therapies help you to re-evaluate, recolour, and reconsolidate old memories so that you’re no longer triggered. And when you let go of old emotions in this gentle, effective way, you leave your mind and body feeling much better than they did before.
Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories (RTM) Therapy
One of these types of therapies is called the Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories (RTM). RTM involves briefly recalling old events with the help of a therapist through online counselling sessions or in-person. Then, your therapist will guide you through a protocol which will allow you to reconsolidate the old memories by changing the sights, sounds, and feelings associated with them. Using a movie-theatre technique, you will replay the old events in a safe and secure environment, with your therapist compassionately guiding you the whole way through! Finally, you and your therapist will venture into the future and notice how the protocol has now changed your experience of the memory in the future. If you choose, you can absolutely divulge information about the content of old traumatic memories with your therapist. However, RTM can also be done without your therapist needing to know any of the details. This allows your therapy sessions to be collaboratively tailored to suit your needs.
While RTM is non-traumatizing, it is also drug-free and highly effective within a short time period. Most RTM protocols take less than 6 sessions, which makes it an extremely cost-effective and time-effective solution for those looking to access mental health services without many resources (Tylee et al., 2017).
How effective is content-free therapy?
There are many studies which show that RTM and other content-free modalities are effective at reconsolidating traumatic memories (Astill Wright et al., 2021). For example, several studies have shown that RTM and similar therapies are effective at reducing the diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in male veterans through mens therapy, and in other populations including people who are homeless and suicidal (Astill Wright et al., 2021; Gray et al., 2019; Tylee et al., 2017). There is also evidence showing that RTM is more effective than Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Trauma-Focused CBT (TF-CBT) at reducing the effects of trauma (Comprehensive Wellness Centre, n.d.; Sturt et al., 2023). Some of the reported benefits include no longer experiencing traumatic nightmares, intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, and the related sleep and emotional problems (Tylee et al., 2017). Most importantly, RTM works in a way where in the future, when you recall the events that previously traumatized you, you are able to manage because you no longer have a negative emotional response.
Start Now!
Trauma happens. It may come with negative emotions, triggers, sleep issues, and health issues. The good news is that you don’t need to live with these problems forever – you can heal your nervous system and create a life worth living! Access mental health support today at Rebound Total Health and ask about content-free therapy and RTM. Because trauma isn’t your fault – and it’s your turn to heal.