We are taught to fear change and that the unknown is scary. This fear of starting something new could be so crippling that we give up before we even start. However, this fight against change ultimately causes us to feel ‘stuck’ or distressed, as it stops us from living new experiences and reaching our full potential.
It’s natural to feel a mix of emotions or stress during these transitions. Here are a few tips to manage transitions to enjoy the new beginnings and thrive during change:
1.    Despite the change, it’s important to create a sense of structure and strive to maintain some normalcy. When you have structured routines in place, it can be easier to cope with the unknown. This could help you to create some comfort, as you incorporate stress-relieving and enjoyable activities to your day. Create a self-care maintenance plan that outlines how you could cater to your physical, emotional and social wellbeing. When you practice activities that help you feel-good on a daily basis, it prevents a build-up of stress.
2.    Be sure to plan ahead to help you prepare for the transition. Create a to-do list and write down everything that needs your attention or is causing you stress. This could help you to set goals and timelines for these tasks. Change is less stressful when you have an effective game plan in place.
3.    Set time aside to intentionally practice self-reflection. When we are starting something new, we tend to fixate on everything that could go wrong. Write a list of all these complications, roadblocks, or the worst-case scenarios to help you reflect on these worries associated with the change. Ask yourself how likely it would be if these scenarios came true. Now, write down all the things that could go right. Try writing in a journal, connecting with a friend or making an appointment with a therapist to help you listen to your inner voice, process your thoughts and cope with this transition. It is only when you are aware of the negative thought patterns, that you could change or shift your thinking to enhance your wellbeing.
4.    When we feel overwhelmed or depleted, it’s important to practice gratitude to recognize the good in our lives. This can serve as a reset button for our minds, as you intentionally shift your perspective to focus on the good to attract more of this energy.
Change is inevitable and it is something worth enjoying. As we grow, we gain new experiences that shape us. We are continuously on a journey where we meet new people and experience new things that teach us about ourselves. Therefore, new beginnings are ultimately a reflection of growth.
Instead of settling for what’s comfortable, challenge yourself by seeking new opportunities that optimize your strengths and interests, while reducing the elements that no longer serve you. This not only helps you to build a stronger connection with like-minded people and ourselves, but it brings us closer to a life of passion and fulfilment.