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Men In Online Couple’s Counselling – Why It Works

There are a lot of stereotypes about men living in unhealthy relationships. Where in north American culture, and mostly mentioned in Ontario, the mantra for relationships is “Happy wife, happy life”. This leaves a negative connotation for men being in relationships, as well as finding the importance of being in a relationship. In addition, in a lot of circumstances, men propose because it may be what their significant other wants, or society inputs that obligation on them but the men might not know what value there is to being married.

For starters, there are a lot of health benefits for men being in relationships, compared to those men who aren’t in relationships. Studies have shown that there is a 46% lower rate of dying from cardiovascular disease than men who aren’t married. Unfortunately, there is a high prevalence rate of men with testicular cancer, and findings from the University of Miami show that men who survived longer over a 17-year period who are diagnosed with prostate cancer over men who were never married.

Marriage also has the benefit of contributing to better behaviours. Men in marriages and healthy relationships are more likely to exercise, eat healthier, and go for regular checkups. The psychological advantages of being in a relationship are a reduced risk of depression, a lower risk of isolation, and a lower risk of suicide.

Just as there are many benefits to being married. If a man is in a difficult relationship or divorced, there is an opportunity for a higher risk of heart attacks, hypertension, and strokes. No need to fret, men who are able to restore their relationships, are also able to restore their health to the level that a man who has never divorced is at with their health.

An amazing way for a man to be in a thriving, healthy, happy relationship is to go to couples therapy with their significant partner. Couples therapy allows a safe, rich environment, where each person is able to see the real feelings that lie behind their words and behaviours, and it allows the couple to understand one another at a deeper level. Being able to understand one another in a more intimate way allows the relationship to thrive and both partners feel loved, listen to, and value in the connection of their relationship.

Having two people coordinate their schedules to go to therapy may sometimes seem difficult. However, online couples therapy provides that solution since you can do it from your home. Or, if you and your partner have to do it from separate rooms or environments, it can still be done through online sessions with your therapist.

Couples therapy not only helps and enriches a relationship, but it can help a man with finding solutions to whatever problems they have; increasing their awareness to their thoughts and feelings, and how they react to their environment.  In addition, finding solutions on how to resolve issues in a relationship can also be transferrable to finding solutions in the workplace. As well as the health benefits mentioned at the beginning of this article.

If you find yourself thinking about therapy and couples therapy, and you have thoughts of there’s “nothing wrong with the relationship,” “we are soul mates and soul mates don’t have problems”, or “therapy is too drastic for what we need”, that’s okay, many people have those thoughts. Just like a smooth-running car, needs an oil change every few months. Sometimes a relationship needs fine-tuning as well to keep it running smoothly.

If you would like to keep your relationship at a level where there is love, passion, trust, and communication. Book a free consultation with one of our therapists today.

To learn more about couples counselling, click here

To learn more about therapy for men’s issues, click here


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