As a parent, you play a critical role in supporting your teenager’s mental health journey. Adolescence is a period of intense change and development, some of which is developing social and emotional habits for mental well-being (WHO, 2021) and it’s not uncommon for teenagers to be exposed to risk factors such as social media and other outlets that may affect mental well-being (WHO, 2021).
By working together with your teenager’s therapist, you can promote positive outcomes and help your teenager build the skills they need to thrive.
Encourage open communication:
It’s important to create a safe and supportive environment where your teenager feels comfortable discussing their feelings and experiences. Encourage your teenager to communicate openly with you and their therapist, and be willing to listen without judgment or criticism. Let your teenager know that you are there to support them and that you value their honesty and openness.
Educate yourself about mental health:
Learning more about mental health and the challenges your teenager may be facing can help you better understand and support them. Read books and articles about mental health, attend workshops and seminars, and talk to mental health professionals.
Focus on your teen’s priorities:
Asking your teen what they would like to get out of therapy can help them stop being ambivalent about their problems and feelings and find their own motivation and responsibility about getting better (Child Mind Institute, 2022).
Respect your teenager’s privacy:
While it’s important to be involved in your teenager’s mental health journey, it’s also important to respect their privacy and autonomy. Make sure your teenager feels comfortable sharing what they want to share, and don’t pressure them to disclose more than they are comfortable with. Be willing to step back and let your teenager take the lead when it comes to their treatment.
Help your teenager build healthy coping skills:
Coping skills are the strategies and tools that people use to manage stress and challenging emotions. By helping your teenager build healthy coping skills, you can give them the tools they need to navigate difficult situations and manage their mental health. Encourage your teenager to engage in activities they enjoy, such as exercise or creative pursuits, and model healthy coping strategies yourself.
Be patient and supportive:
Building mental health takes time and effort, and there will be setbacks along the way. It’s important to be patient and supportive as your teenager works to build new skills and habits. Celebrate small victories, and offer encouragement and support when your teenager is struggling.
Stay involved and engaged:
Your involvement and engagement can make a big difference in your teenager’s mental health journey. Stay involved in their treatment, and be willing to advocate for their needs when necessary. Make sure your teenager knows that you are there for them and that you are committed to helping them build a healthy and fulfilling life.
Working together with your teenager’s therapist can be a powerful way to promote positive outcomes and support your teenager’s mental health journey. By reaching out and booking with a practicum therapist at Rebound, you can help your teenager build the skills they need to thrive and lead a happy, healthy life.