Moving in together can be a big step and big adjustment for some couples. Sharing our home space with our partners can be a difficult life transition for some. This can include adjusting our habits and showing some vulnerability to our partners. Our home is meant to be our comfort zone, so sharing this space with someone else can be challenging. During this life transition, folks are navigating a host of feelings as they adapt to their new home life.
Here are a few tips on how you and your partner can adjust to moving in together!
How to navigate taking the “next step” of moving in together:
Do it at your own pace!
There is no specific amount of time that you and your partner must be together before moving in. Some people do it quicker than others, while others take more time. Either or is okay! Do it whenever you both feel ready to do so. Don’t let other people’s opinions influence your decision.
Discuss your daily routines with your partner
While living separately you may have your own routine or habits of doing things that may be different from your partner. Have an open discussion about your habits with your partner prior to moving in. You may also have to compromise on some way of doing things in your home since you both will be living there. Be compassionate and have an open mind to different ways of doing things!
Put time aside for “me time”
Even though you are sharing a space, it is important to take time for yourself and do something you enjoy! This could even mean just taking a bubble bath by yourself with your favourite candles, or watching your favourite Netflix show alone while your partner is doing something else. We are all human and need our own space sometimes. This doesn’t mean we don’t want our partner around, just need to also put time aside for ourselves.
Put time aside for date night
It is important to note that just because you live together doesn’t mean you will be spending all your time with your partner. It is important to put time aside to spend time together. This could even be putting your phone away five minutes before bed and just spend time talking or have a day during the week that you both cook dinner together. Not every couple is the same, find what works for you!
Talk about chores and money
Finances can be one of the toughest things to deal with as a couple. It is best to discuss how you will be handling dividing finances such as rent, and groceries when moving in together to minimize conflicts that may arise. In addition, discuss how chores will be split up such as cleaning, laundry, and groceries.
Bumps in the road are okay!
Not everyone can adjust to life transitions ‘seamlessly’ and sharing your space with someone else can cause conflict. This is okay! If you’re struggling, you don’t have to struggle alone. Not ready for in person support? Don’t worry, online therapy in Canada is a great alternative and offers a convenient accessible way for you to access virtual couples counselling!
Make your space your own!
It is important that both partners feel at home in this space. This may include putting up decorations or special items that are meaningful for one individual or for both! Compromise on the decorations and make your place feel like a home for both of you.
Adjusting to a shift in your home life and relationship can be a difficult transition. Find what works for you!
If you’re looking for help navigating life transitions or would like to learn more about couples counselling, we’re here to help! Rebound Total Health offers affordable therapy in Ontario, Canada – email us for a free consultation to see if we’re the right fit for you!