Brainspotting Therapy

Are you struggling to get past a trauma? Are you feeling like traditional talk therapy isn’t getting you far enough or is just not working for you? Is your mental health causing physical manifestations? Do you feel foggy, dissociated, or detached some of the time?
Perhaps Brainspotting Therapy can help.

What is brainspotting therapy?
Brain spotting is a brain-body based therapy that’s proven to address and help people resolve trauma from a subcortical level of the brain- which is inaccessible from talk therapy alone. Brainspotting therapy is a tool that can be used with many other therapies to enhance results and is able to be integrated into your sessions in a way that meets your needs. You may ask “how does it work?” With a trained brainspotting therapist we can help detect where trauma is stored in the brain by pinpointing bodily and eye reflexes. Basically, where you look affects how you feel and by identifying inner states, we can begin to process and relieve symptoms.

What happens in a brainspotting therapy session?
With a brain spotting trained therapist we will first focus on the therapeutic alliance and getting in a safe, comfortable seated position. With the bio lateral sound of your choice, we work together to talk about your problem which may bring up difficult emotions, memories, and physical sensations. We will then measure intensity of your feelings and from this, decide which set up to use to activate and locate the source of trauma. From here, we will be able to safely identify your reactive point from facial, body and eye reflexes. To begin the process (focused mindfulness), we will ask to focus on the point chosen, think about the problem and allow your brain to think and basically… just go with it. Each experience is unique and different for everyone. The goal at the end is to reach a sense of relief and accelerate the ability to heal.

Watch this video to learn more about how brainspotting therapy works!

Who/what isn't brain spotting for?
Brain spotting may not be suitable for everyone. Everyone has their own experiences, goals, and unique concerns they bring to therapy. With a therapist, based on your concerns it would be best to explore a treatment plan that best meets your needs. Brain spotting may not be suitable at the beginning for someone who has severe difficulty with mindfulness or focusing on physical body sensations. With a trained therapist, we can help assess safety and build upon grounding techniques, tolerability, enhance mindfulness and personal emotional regulation before getting started with brainspotting.
Are there any side effects with brainspotting?
During a session you may experience difficult memories, emotions, feelings, and bodily sensations. It has been identified that some individuals have felt emotionally and physically sleepy or tired after a session as it can be like a workout for the brain as it can activate a powerful release within the brain.
How was Brain spotting discovered?
Brain spotting was discovered by therapist David Grand, PhD. David who is a well-known social worker and therapists with a focus on trauma. The foundation of the approach was discovered when he was noticing a professional ice skater’s eye reflexes at a fixed eye position which helped resolve performance concerns and trauma. David has helped survivors of 9/11, hurricane Katrina, professional athletes and more!

What presenting struggles is brainspotting used for?
Brain spotting can help treat symptoms of PTSD, trauma, stress, depression, anxiety, physical pain, addiction, chronic pain as an illness, emotional regulation, creativity, writer’s block, everyday challenges, obstacles and so much more! It can even be used to seek relaxation and inner peace within the body and mind!
Curious if brainspotting can support you through your struggles? Just ask us!

Setting yourself up for success with Brainspotting
Pre-Brainspotting Self Care
Often times, processing trauma can be more difficult than we expect. Preparing for a brainspotting session is important, in order to make sure you get the most from your session and you’re properly taking care of yourself throughout the processing.
Before your brainspotting session…
Get a good sleep
Eat a Balanced meal
Clear your schedule following your session
Get outside!
Get some exercise or move your body
Find the right tunes!
Bilateral music (music that alternates between the left and right ears) is used during your session and is a great thing to start with before your session! Spend some time finding bilateral music that you enjoy! You can find bilateral music anywhere you’d find music normally! We recommend finding a 1 hour playlist or a 1-hour track to sustain you through your session!

Extra Brainspotting Resources
If you are interested in learning more about Brainspotting, please check out the following resources to learn more!