Bounce Back Blog.

Learnings, teachings, personal stories and tips & tricks about all things mental health.

Brittany Barratt Brittany Barratt

Binge Eating: A Way Forward

Binge eating is a common food consumption behaviour which affects over 3% of the population in the USA (Cleveland Clinic, 2023).

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Brittany Barratt Brittany Barratt

Men's Mental Health

In 2023, men's mental health issues have reached an alarming high, with an estimated 10% of Canadian men experiencing mental health challenges.

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Brittany Barratt Brittany Barratt

Communicate better through therapy

effective communication is not just about speaking; it also involves active listening, understanding, and expressing oneself clearly. Communicate better through therapy.

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Brittany Barratt Brittany Barratt

Postpartum Grief

The first thing we may think of when considering postpartum mental health are postpartum depression, or PPD, and postpartum anxiety. According to the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, one in seven women experience diagnosable PPD, in which symptoms like low mood, loss of interest in usual hobbies, guilt, loss of energy, changes in appetite, or fatigue are present in the first four weeks after birth (Mughal et al., 2022). Similar symptoms including lack of sleep are present for mothers who experience postpartum anxiety (Collier, 2021). However, something else lurks in the background for many women during this demanding time, and may have symptoms similar to those of both PPD and postpartum anxiety - and that’s grief. 

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Brittany Barratt Brittany Barratt

Mental Health and Parenting: Nurturing Your Family's Well-Being

Parenting is a challenging yet incredibly rewarding journey. As parents, we strive to provide the best for our children, ensuring their physical, emotional, and mental well-being. This blog post will explore how parenting and mental health intersect, offering insights, tips, and information on accessing mental health services and support when needed.

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Brittany Barratt Brittany Barratt

Examining the Evidence for Negative Thoughts: A Path to Positive Thinking

Negative thoughts have a way of creeping into our minds, affecting our mood, behaviour, and overall well-being. They often appear automatically and without notice, but once we draw our attention to them, we can challenge them and explore their validity. In this blog post, we will examine the evidence for negative thoughts, using a set of questions that can help us shift our perspective and promote more positive thinking.

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Brittany Barratt Brittany Barratt

Navigating the Path to Reconnection: How to Find the Best Type of Couples Therapy for You and Your Partner

When we choose to walk through life with our significant other by our side, it is inevitable that we may encounter rough patches and challenges that test the strength of the relationship. Seeking couples therapy can be a constructive step towards understanding and resolving these issues. However, with various types of couples therapy available, choosing the one that suits both partners can be challenging. In this post, we'll explore some of the most essential steps to help you find the best type of couples therapy for you and your partner.

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Brittany Barratt Brittany Barratt

Navigating Life Transitions

Life is a journey filled with transitions that can bring up many emotions. Whether anticipated or unanticipated, these changes offer us opportunities for growth, self-reflection, and personal empowerment. By acknowledging and embracing the transitions we experience, we can learn more about ourselves and gain greater clarity and understanding of the world around us. Remember to be patient, stay curious, and be kind to yourself during these times of change!

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Brittany Barratt Brittany Barratt

Finding the Right Fit: Which Therapy is Best for Your Mental Health Journey?

Mental health is an essential part of our overall health and wellness. Numerous options for mental health support are available, including in-person counselling, online mental health support, and self-care practices. Finding the right fit can be challenging, so knowing what type of Therapy might be best for your mental health journey is essential. In this blog post, we'll explore the different types of Therapy and provide guidance on how to determine which one might be the right fit for you.

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Brittany Barratt Brittany Barratt

Identifying and Setting Healthy Boundaries

The American Psychological Association (APA) defines a boundary as "a psychological demarcation that protects the integrity of an individual or group or that helps the person or group set realistic limits on participation in a relationship or activity" (APA, n.d.). Relationships can often struggle when boundaries are unclear, whether due to a lack of awareness of our boundaries or a failure to communicate them to others. Awareness and understanding of our material, physical, mental, emotional, sexual, and financial boundaries is the essential first step to holding healthy boundaries to support our relationships. By examining these six types of boundaries and determining your limits, you'll be well on your way to setting healthy limits for yourself within your relationships, allowing you to feel safe, secure, and confident within them.

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Brittany Barratt Brittany Barratt

Relationship Resilience: Understanding and Navigating Gottman's Four Horsemen in Relationships

In the realm of love and companionship, relationships are intricate journeys, often filled with moments of joy and connection. However, even the strongest of bonds can face challenges. Dr. John Gottman, a psychologist and relationship expert, has identified four destructive communication patterns that can cast shadows on the most loving partnerships. These patterns are aptly named "The Four Horsemen." Within this blog post, the four horsemen and their antidotes will be discussed, as well as how couples counselling can help navigate these challenges and guide partners toward healthier and more fulfilling connections.

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Brittany Barratt Brittany Barratt

The Transformative Power of Creativity: Cultivating Mental Well-Being Through Self-Expression

Diving into "The Transformative Power of Creativity: Cultivating Mental Well-Being Through Self-Expression," the blog explores creativity's role in enhancing mental wellness. It extends beyond aesthetics as a vital source for peace, resilience, and self-discovery.

The piece delves into how creative expression serves as a channel for inner thoughts and emotions, benefiting all age groups. It highlights the merging of creative therapies with traditional methods, underlining their efficacy in addressing inner struggles.

The advantages of creativity span generations: children employ it to communicate feelings, families unite through creative ventures, and individuals find comfort and stress relief.

The blog provides actionable strategies to nurture creative well-being, such as carving out dedicated time, embracing the unknown, cherishing the process, practicing mindfulness, and sharing creations to foster connections.

It encourages the integration of creativity into therapy and underscores its potential to bolster mental well-being through varied avenues, promoting emotional equilibrium and personal authenticity.

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Brittany Barratt Brittany Barratt

Massage Therapy + Psychotherapy = The Duo You Did not Know You Needed

The blog post highlights the benefits of combining massage therapy and psychotherapy to achieve a holistic approach to wellness. In modern life, dealing with physical and mental challenges can be overwhelming, but integrating these two therapies can provide effective solutions for anxiety, stress, and related muscle tension. Advantages include:

1. Stress Reduction and Relaxation: Psychotherapy provides a safe space for exploring the root causes of mental and emotional stress. At the same time, massage therapy induces a deeply relaxed state in the body by releasing endorphins.

2. Physical and Psychological Tension and Pain Release: Massage therapy releases physical tension and pain, while psychotherapy creates space for emotional tension and pain to be addressed, leading to better emotional processing.

3. Improved Mind-Body Connection: Both therapies increase body awareness, with psychotherapy focusing on the interaction between thoughts, emotions, and the body and massage therapy drawing awareness to bodily movements and sensations. Integrating them enhances the mind-body connection.

4. Coping Tools: Psychotherapy equips individuals with coping tools to manage difficult experiences, while massage therapy is an additional coping tool.

5. Increased Resilience and Emotional Regulation: The combination of therapies supports emotional regulation, fostering resilience and enabling individuals to handle challenging situations.

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Brittany Barratt Brittany Barratt

Embrace the Power of Massage and Psychotherapy for a Fulfilling Life

Life's journey is a quest for happiness and well-being. Along this path, two incredible practices have emerged as game-changers: massage therapy and psychotherapy. These two approaches may seem worlds apart, but when combined, they create a powerful synergy that can truly transform your quality of life. In this blog, we'll explore the incredible benefits of integrating massage and psychotherapy, showing you how this dynamic duo can unlock new levels of mental and physical well-being.

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