Growing up, I always wanted to be a therapist. This was the answer I would give my friends and teachers when we’d go around the circle sharing our dream jobs.
This dream and this goal maintained throughout my childhood, and into my post-secondary education. I was the friend who was always there, the one who you could call at whatever hour of the night. I joined clubs, promoted mental health, and advocated for change. I was pushing myself to provide care and support, while also ensuring it’s availability and accessibility to others.
Truthfully, while I looked like I had it all together on the outside, I was really struggling on the inside. I was doing too much and too little at the same time. I put on a good show to the outside world, but was neglecting my eating, sleeping, and emotional well-being. I was the one everyone came too, but who was there for me?
Yes, I have an amazing support system filled with loving friends and family. I am very grateful for them, but it wasn’t enough. There was something still missing, and I needed help.
It still took me years to reach out and ask for help. But I did.
Being a student at the time, I knew how critical the relationship between myself and future therapist was. I knew that therapy would work best if it was someone who I could connect with. So, it took me a lot of time to find my right fit. I researched therapists in my area, read their bios, watched their videos, reached out for consultations, and searched until I found someone who I felt safe and open with.
Once I started working as a therapist, I was a little embarrassed that I was still going to therapy. Funny enough, I addressed this with my therapist. Therapists are human, just like their clients. Life happens, and we need some support to.
Going to therapy is not about practicing what I preach to my clients. It is about taking care of my best self, so I can best support and take care of you.
So, take your time. Find a therapist you connect with. Know that you are important and deserve a therapist who sees you in that light. We all deserve care and support, and we’re right here waiting, and cheering you on as you start your mental health journey.